Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 8 - Spokane, WA to Seattle, WA

Hi all... sorry for the long break in entries. Last week was NOT a good week for me.

I arrived in Seattle in the late afternoon. Coming down through Snoqualamie pass was quite the adventure and then dumping out into the middle of the afternoon rush hour in downtown Seattle was enough to rattle my nerves. I finally found my way back on to I5 South and my motel de jour not too much further down the road.

Checked in and took a short nap. My stomach started gnawing at me so I went in search of food. Found a local chain sandwich shop and ordered some unappetizing selection. Ate about half of that and stowed the other half in the fridge.

I won't go into any gory details but I spent the next five days in Swedish hospital being poked, prodded, stuck and finally given my discharge papers on Sunday afternoon. I decided on a short drive for that afternoon and a night of rest. Unfortunately, I was back in the E room that evening for a related malady which has since resolved on its own!. Whew... six days lost in total. Got lots of rest but not much progress on my tour.

Tell the next time....

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